Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Dropzone Commander Tournament - AAR Lite

I had the pleasure to play in a Dropzone commander Tournament last weekend.

I took my UCM including the brand new Phoenix command ship.

Round 1 Versus PHR(Garrette) in Fortified Complex. Garrette was very friendly to play.  We both started searching for our closest objective. The difference was I found mine in Round 2 and was able to extract, he didn't find his in round 2 and I managed to drop his building. (Even fortified) I stayed away from his giant scorpions and killed the other buildings on his side with objectives. The Center building was exciting, Garrette popped in some Sirens and found the objective. I managed to Reaction fire their transport as they tried to escape, grounding the craft. His Sirens took cover behind a building  covered with a couple of Apollos on the roof. I managed to drop the building, killing the Apollos, the sirens, and burying the objective. I think Garrette was hampered by his lack of AA.

UCM Moves out on turn 1

 Since I extracted 1 objective and he had none I was up by 1 point and got 11-points (adjusted to 12 for 1 point kill point bonus)  12-8

Round 2 Versus PHR(Andrew). Andrew was a blast. A very fun opponent. We played Recon + , with a intel roll of a 6 finding a focal point. (3 focal points Max).  I found 3 focal points on my end of the board. We dropped so many buildings with infantry in them that by turn 4 all our Infantry on both sides were dead. That was 4 squads each! At that point the Intel was static, no new Recon or Focal points, I had a narrow lead of 1 VP but Andrews walkers were bearing down on the Focal Points quickly.

destroyed building litter the battlefield

Some of Andrew's very pretty PHR

 My Katanas were not particularly suited to fighting heavy walkers so I turned my guns on the focal point buildings, and by turn 5 managed to drop all three, cementing my 1 point victory and getting to add two points for kill points. 13-7

Round 3 Versus James P (Shaltari)  Secure the Flanks

Interesting game. I started off strong  Again dropping his closest Objective building on turn 2, then killing the Center Objective Building  on turn 3. I found my objective and got it off the board.

Large block of Walkers makes its way to the focal point

I conceded one focal point and concentrated my efforts on the other. Bad luck hit when his Fire Drake when on a streak. One shot hit at long range and with the small template he placed in in the middle of a formation of tanks, killing 3 Katanas and 2 Rapiers.  My mistake for thinking that you placed the blast template over the center of the target, I didn't realize until my opponent pointed out that ANY part of the template can touch the target to maximize hits. Live and learn! :)

having the flying pancake means almost 300 points are unable to contribute to the focal point and with most of my vehicles dead he Gated in a commander and other walker to claim the Focal point by about 150 points. 8-12 loss.

Wrap up

Overall I was surprised at the building wrecking potential of my list. The heavy missiles give the flying pancake a good demo value (at least for two turns) and the Eagle just wrecks shop. The Katanas are awesome in the drive on building shooting game.  They honestly didn't shoot many vehicles.

I wasn't able to kill much.  My strategy seemed to be, Kill more buildings! rather then, Shoot the enemy! which seemed to work but didn't give me a blow out in points either way.

Tournament was a great time. JD did an excellent job preparing and hosting the event. (Thanks JD!)

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